Success: OPL2 Sound Card

I built the OPL2 sound card over the weekend and it worked perfectly from first power up! Thanks for designing this - it’s going to be lots of fun to play with.

I’ve successfully run and modified the demo assembly language program located in the tests folder. Now I’m going to follow this project - YM3812 Part 1 - Register Basics - Things Made Simple to try to figure out how to convert from his Arduino-oriented C++ to Forth to make the card more accessible from the Planck.

This should keep me busy for many months! :slight_smile:

Jonathan, thanks again for all of this!


Hi Ben,
yeah the sound card is really fun. I’ve actually been testing a MIDI card as well (which is just a serial interface with a weird frequency) and I’ve been able to play some sounds from a keyboard to the OPL2 card. It’s quite fun! I’d like to try and code a tracker as well, but to make one that is comfortable to use through a serial interface is not obvious to me, so I’ve been tinkering with some sort of VGA interface to be able to output something directly to a screen.
Anyway, as you say, many months of fun to be had!